Sample Custody and Visitation Agreement

When it comes to co-parenting, setting up a custody and visitation agreement can be a crucial step toward establishing a healthy and stable environment for your child. While it may be difficult to negotiate the terms of your agreement with your ex-partner, having a clear and concise plan in place can help alleviate stress and confusion for all parties involved.

A custody and visitation agreement outlines the details of how parents will share time with their child, including where the child will live, when they will see each parent, and how major decisions will be made. A well-written agreement can help both parents understand their responsibilities and help ensure that the child`s needs are being met.

Here is a sample custody and visitation agreement that can be customized to fit your family`s unique needs:

I. Physical Custody

A. The child shall reside primarily with [Mom/Dad/Both] at [insert address].

B. The non-custodial parent will have visitation rights with the child every other weekend from [insert time] on Friday until [insert time] on Sunday.

C. During the school year, the non-custodial parent will have one overnight visit with the child each week from [insert time] until [insert time] on [insert day].

D. During school holidays, the non-custodial parent will have additional visitation with the child, with the schedule to be determined by mutual agreement.

E. During the summer, the non-custodial parent will have extended visitation with the child, with the schedule to be determined by mutual agreement.

II. Legal Custody

A. The parents shall share legal custody of the child, with both parents having equal decision-making authority in all major areas of the child`s life, including education, medical/health, and religious upbringing.

B. In the event of a major dispute, the parents shall attempt to work together to reach a resolution. If a resolution cannot be reached, either party may seek mediation or court intervention.

III. Miscellaneous

A. Each parent shall provide adequate clothing, food, and other necessary items for the child during their respective parenting times.

B. Both parents shall have access to the child`s school and medical records.

C. Neither parent shall disparage the other in front of the child.

D. Any changes to the custody and visitation schedule must be agreed upon by both parents in writing.

While this sample agreement covers some of the basics, it may be wise to seek the advice of a family law attorney to ensure that all necessary details are included and that the agreement complies with state laws. Remember, no two families are alike, so it`s important to tailor your agreement to meet the needs of your particular situation.

Having a custody and visitation agreement in place can provide stability and predictability for your child as they navigate the challenges of co-parenting. By working together to create a plan that puts the best interests of your child first, you can help ensure a positive outcome for all involved.

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