The X-Men TAS Podcast: CONFIDENTIAL – Fan Q&A Session
It’s X-Men TAS Podcast: After Dark edition! Your intrepid hosts delve into all your fan requests and questions, covering everything from favorite Marvel heroes to our secret phobias! Join us as we discuss… Sonia’s desire to wear a breathable cotton superhero outfit! Willie’s budding private teleportation business! Our convoluted list of favorite super-heroes! The Simpsons,…
The Top 20 George Carlin Moments
So I was surfing the internet today, and I came across a brilliant little monolog that Louie C.K. did as a tribute to George Carlin. George Carlin died in 2008, and if you didn’t know, he’s probably the greatest and most influential standup comic next to Richard Pryor. He had an absolutely relentless ability to…