Tag: batman and robin

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Robin’s Reckoning Parts I & II

    Robin takes center stage in one of the greatest Robin stories ever adapted! Join us as we discuss… The X-Men TAS Podcast just opened a SECRET reddit group, join by clicking here! We are also on Twitch sometimes… click here to go to our page and follow and subscribe so you can join in on all the mysterious fun…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: 300th Episode! – Batman and Robin (1997)

    We go absolutely batty on our special 300th episode in talking about the historically bad Batman and Robin movie from 1997! Join us as we discuss… Frankly, there is so much here that our brains melted a little which is appropriate for the 300th overall episode of a podcast that should have ended ages ago!…

  • The X-Men TAS Podcast: Batman – Fear of Victory

    Batman fans get to meet Robin in the TAS universe for the first time (sort of) and we also chat about all things MCU with a spoiler-filled discussion of Thor: Love and Thunder! Join us as we discuss… Why it is hard for us to get worked up either way about movies that are still…